This article will provide a full walkthrough for administering an injection in Summit from the main dashboard to dismissing the patient. Each major step of the process will be broken down in the table of contents, which can be used for quick navigation to a specific step. For a more in depth explanation of the actual injection screen, please refer to the Giving an Injection in Summit article which goes into greater detail.
Note: All extract information and vial values in this article are for example purposes only.
Upon logging in to Summit you will find yourself on either the mixing queue dashboard or the injection queue dashboard, depending on how your location has chosen to configure its preferences. The dashboard header in Summit has two static features that will appear everywhere throughout Summit, the Patient Search bar and the User Menu dropdown. Your location might have additional Quick Buttons configured, but for this example, we will primarily be using the User Menu.
Navigating to the Patient Chart:
The first step in the injection process is to pull up the patient's chart using the Patient Search bar. Search for the patient by using either their first name, last name, date of birth, or MRN/Patient ID (or a combination of two or more of these values to find the desired patient).
Entering the Injection Workflow:
Searching for the desired patient will bring you to that patient's chart. Along the top of the chart is the Patient Header, which will remain visible throughout the injection process as it provides information that might be relevant while administering injections. A more in depth explanation of the patient chart can be found in this article, but for now we are concerned with the injection workflows. While you will most likely have injection Quick Buttons, for this example, use the User Menu > Workflows > Injection.
Questions and Questionnaires:
Workflows are highly customizable so your specific workflow might not look like the example above but the overall process is fairly universal. In this example, the process begins with the Pre-Shot Questionnaire and Review. The patient fills out responses to the questionnaire assigned to the patient and the provider has the opportunity to review any of the responses before proceeding. If the questionnaire has been configured with lockout responses and the patient has triggered a lockout, the questionnaire has to be unlocked in the review step.
The Injection Screen:
After reviewing the Pre-Shot Questionnaire, you'll arrive at the injection screen. In this example, you will see the patient's injection history on the left side and an injection window on the right. The injection history window shows the prior injections the patient has received and more information for a specific injection can be found by clicking on the desired injection.
Below is a larger view of the injection window. The top area, highlighted in blue, shows information about the scheduled injection, as well as details about the previous injection. Below the selected injection, highlighted in green, is a list of other prescriptions for the patient not selected for injection. To add a vial to the injection window, simply click on the desired prescription. To remove a vial, click on the red X at the top right corner of the vial you want to remove from the injection window.
In the example above there are several locations highlighted in red which need to be adjusted before the vial can be validated for injection. Once the adjustments have been made, those sections will turn yellow to show they have been adjusted and you'll need to click the Adjust Reason button, highlighted in red and provide a reason for adjustment. If a vial needs to be activated in order to give an injection simply press the Activate Vials button, highlighted in purple. Instructions for activating a vial are listed below.
Activating Vials:
Clicking the Activate Vials button will open up a new window on the injection screen. Select the vials you wish to activate from the inactive window, highlighted in red, and use the arrow buttons, highlighted in yellow, to move them to active window, highlighted in green. Clicking the purple Save button will activate the selected vials and they are ready for injection.
Administering an Injection:
After activating any necessary vials, clicking the Validate button or using the barcode scanner will bring up the injection information and the vial will be ready for injection. Here you can see, as shown in the example above, the injection site, dose, and dilution are clearly shown. If everything is correct, click the red Inject button. Clicking the Next button in the top right corner of the injection screen after all desired injections are given will take you to the wrap up screen.
The Wrap Up Screen:
The wrap up screen shows the patient's injection history in graph form for each prescription. Here you can see injection dates, doses, and dilutions for each prescription over time. You can also set the length to time to wait before excusing the patient. Clicking the Next button will exit the injection workflow and add the patient to the waiting to be excused list.
Excusing a Patient:
Back on the main dashboard, the patient is now on the waiting to be excused list and the timer next to their name is counting down until it is time to excuse the patient. Once the timer reaches zero, as it has in the example above, the action dropdown will turn red and the patient is ready to be excused. There are two main options when excusing a patient, Excuse and Excuse and Note. Clicking Excuse will simply remove the patient from the queue. Clicking Excuse and Note will open up an additional window where you can make a note of any reaction the patient might have, make any additional notes, and make any desired changes to defaults chosen for report generation. Once you click the green Save and Excuse button, the patient is removed from the queue.
You should now be able to complete the entire injection process in Summit! For any additional questions please refer to either the linked articles in this walkthrough, other support articles in or knowledge base, or contact Xtract support.