This article is a simple list of all of the individual windows that can be found in Summit and a very brief description of their function. This by no means covers every element of each window's functionality, but serves as a good top level overview of each window. Your configuration may or may not have every window listed here, and if you see a window not currently in your build of Summit that you might want, contact Xtract support to discuss adding the desired window(s) to Summit. Most wind
The table of contents allows for quick navigation through the windows in Summit (there are a lot more windows than you would guess). Windows are broken down into three main types depending function and where they can be accessed. The three main window types are Patient Windows, Dashboard Windows, and Admin Windows. Use the table of contents or scroll through to find more information about each window in Summit. Clicking on any of the window names in the table of contents will take you directly to the description of that window.
- Patient Windows:
- Activate Vials:
- Adjust Future Injections:
- Allergy Prescription:
- Express Injection:
- Graph:
- Immunotherapy Summary:
- Injection:
- Injection History:
- Manual Injection Entry:
- Order Entry:
- Patient Details:
- Patient Notes:
- Purchase Order:
- Questionnaire:
- Questionnaire History:
- Report History:
- Review Last Questionnaire:
- Skintest Detail:
- Skintest List:
- Skintest History:
- Vial Mixing:
- Wrap Up:
- Dashboard Windows:
- Admin Windows:
Patient Windows:
Patient windows can be found while in a patient’s chart. Use the patient search bar to open a chart. While in a chart, use User Menu > Windows to see the patient windows for your system.
Activate Vials:
The activate vials window is normally seen as part of the injection workflow. In this window you can activate vials for injection prior to administering an injection.
Adjust Future Injections:
The adjust future injections window allows you to make changes to an injection in the future for a prescription. Here you can select the injection you want to change, as well as the dose, dilution, date, and provide a reason for making a change from the treatment plan.
Allergy Prescription:
Usually seen as one of the main windows of a patient's chart, the allergy prescription window shows all of the prescriptions for a patient and provides some information about them. Clicking the edit button allows you to make changes to the treatment plan for the prescription and the injection site.
Express Injection:
The express injection window takes you directly to administering an injection. This bypasses the injection workflow and will not show the questionnaire or wrap up normally seen. The express injection window can also feature the Validate All button to validate all injections at once.
The graph window shows a patient’s injection history over time in visual form as well as showing predicted future injections based on their treatment plan. The graph requires selecting a prescription, so it is closely tied to the allergy prescription window.
Immunotherapy Summary:
The immunotherapy summary window provides an overview of the treatment for the patient including: compliance score, number of reactions, last visit date and start dates. This window is also where you can review the description of the patient flags assigned on a patient’s chart.
The Injection window is very similar to the express injection window. The main difference between the two windows is the injection window does not have a Validate All button. This window is where you set the values and validate an injection for a patient.
Injection History:
The injection history window shows all of the injections given to a patient. In this window you can see the prescription name, cap color, RX number, date, dilution, dose, and reaction. Clicking on an injection will open the injection details window, allowing you to change the information on the injection history.
Manual Injection Entry:
If you have to enter information for an injection outside of a normal injection workflow, you can do so in the manual injection entry window. Filling in all the required information and clicking save will add the injection into the patient’s injection history.
Order Entry:
The order entry window can also be reached by using the Order quick button. This window is used to creating new prescriptions for a patient or reordering existing prescriptions.
Patient Details:
Entering and updating demographic information about a patient is done on the patient details window. In addition to the information shown on the patient header on a chart, here you can enter contact information for a patient and see fingerprint scanning information if you have a fingerprint scanner installed.
Patient Notes:
The patient note window is a free-text field where you can write notes relating to a patient. This window allows you go to into more detail with notes than you can with patient flags.
Purchase Order:
The purchase order window shows the queue of all the orders for a patient. You can see the status of the order here as well as the ID of the order and the prescriptions contained within each order. Clicking View will take you to the order entry window for that order and clicking Details will bring up the order summary.
The questionnaire window shows the questionnaire currently assigned to the patient. The questionnaire the patient will receive depends on the configuration of questions and questionnaires in system management and the check boxes on the patient’s chart.
Questionnaire History:
The questionnaire history shows all of the answers a patient has given to questionnaires in the past. Clicking view will provide more details about the questionnaire including the questions asked in addition to the answers given and comments.
Report History:
The report history window shows all of the reports that exist for a patient. From here you can generate reports that have not been printed or reprint reports that have already been printed.
Review Last Questionnaire:
The review last questionnaire window is very similar to the questionnaire history window. This window functions the same way as if you clicked the view button for the most recent questionnaire in the questionnaire history window but in a slightly easier to see format.
Skintest Detail:
The skintest detail window is primarily used visual purposes in other screens. Clicking on the select button will take you to the skintest list window, which will be covered on the next slide.
Skintest List:
The skintest list window shows all of the skintests for a patient. Clicking on the print button will allow you to reprint the skintest report. Clicking on view will show the completed skintest. From there you are able to prescribe from a skintest by clicking the prescribe button.
Skintest History:
The skintest history window is similar to the skintest list window. The skintest history shows the values you would see by clicking view on a skintest in the skintest history for each skintest for the patient.
Vial Mixing:
The vial mixing window shows any orders that are in the mixing queue for the patient. From here you can see and update anything that needs to be mixed without having to go to the main mixing queue.
Wrap Up:
The wrap up window exists primarily in the injection workflow and allows you to set the time before excusing a patient after an injection. The default time for your location will show up automatically, but it can be adjusted if desired.
Dashboard Windows:
Dashboard windows can be found by clicking on the user menu in the main clinic dashboard. You main dashboard could either be the mixing queue or the injection queue. Regardless of your primary dashboard, finding the dashboard windows is the same.
Mixing Queue:
The mixing queue windows shows all prescriptions waiting to be mixed. You can use either the Choose Columns or Show Filters buttons to find more information about a prescription or to filter the prescriptions to find the one you want. Using the action dropdown or clickable buttons will allow you to either view the prescription, see the prescription order summary, or being mixing the prescription.
Order Queue:
The order queue window shows all queued orders. From here you can view or update the order status as well as see the order summary or view the purchase order.
The roomed window shows patients that have been assigned to the With Injection Staff status from the patient header. Similar to waiting for injection and waiting to be excused, this is a way to track where the patient physically is within your location.
The skintest window shows all active skintests. Here you can see the patient’s name, the type of test they are receiving, the provider, and the current status of the skintest. Clicking view will open up the desired skintest.
Waiting for Injection:
The waiting for injection window, along with the waiting to be excused window seen next, make up the injection dashboard. The waiting for injection window will show all patients that have been assigned the waiting for injection status. From here you are able to click on the patient and being an injection workflow.
Waiting to be Excused:
Once a patient has been given an injection and the wrap up window has been completed, the patient will be added to the waiting to be excused window. Here the timer next to the patient’s name will count down to zero from the time set in the wrap up window. Once the timer reaches zero, you can choose to either excuse the patient or excuse the patient and make a note by selecting the preferred option from the action dropdown. Excuse and note allows you to take note of any reaction the patient had with their injection, while the excuse option simply removes them from the queue.
Admin Windows:
Admin windows can be found under system management in the user menu. These windows deal with administrative features within Summit.
Api Log:
The Api log window exists primarily to allow Xtract support to diagnose and resolve issues within Summit. Unless directed by Xtract support, you will most likely never have to use this window.
Account Management:
Click Log:
Similar to the api log, the click log exists primarily to investigate issues within Summit. This log creates a record of every click within Summit that is helpful for Xtract support to replicate issues that may arise within Summit. Unless directed by Xtract support, it is unlikely you will need to use this window.
The clinic window shows information about the physical locations you are located in. Unless your organization has multiple locations, there will only be one location listed here.
The extracts window shows all of the extracts currently in the system. To add a new extract into the system, click the Add button and fill out the required information. Clicking on an extract will bring up details about the extract and allow you to set uses for the extract, or set substitutions by clicking on the corresponding options.
The inventory windows shows the physical inventory of extracts at your location. From here you can view, add, delete, or edit your inventory by clicking the corresponding buttons. Additionally, you can print inventory labels from this window.
The panels window allows you to view and create different skintest panels. To view an existing skintest panel, select the panel from the dropdown. To create an new panel, click the Add New Panel button. Once the panel has been created, choose the desired antigens for the panel and click create.
Patient Flags:
Patient flags are used in the stick note feature on a patient’s chart. In this window you are able to create and update patient flags. To create a new patient flag, click New Flag, give the flag a name and a description, and click New. Remember, only the flag name will appear on the sticky note on the patient’s chart.
Pharmacy Extracts:
Summit can be configured to hide certain extract from view when prescribing. The pharmacy extracts window is where you choose which extract can be seen when prescribing. To hide an extract from view, click on the extract and the green eye icon next to the extract will turn grey. This extract will no longer be seen when prescribing.
Prescribing Profiles:
The prescribing profiles window allows you to create different profiles that can be used when writing prescriptions. Here you can set a profile type, number of vials, vial size, dilutions, and expiry rules for prescriptions. You can assign these profiles to providers by clicking on the Manage Subscriptions button.
The protocols window contains the scoring protocols used to score a skintest. It is not recommended to make any changes to the scoring protocols. For a new skintest protocol or to make changes to an existing protocol, please contact Xtract support.
Provider Management:
The provider management window allows you to set multiple details about the providers in your location. Here you can enter demographic information about the provider. Clicking the Profiles button lets you choose with profiles the provider is subscribed to. Finally the Default Doses button lets you choose the default does for each extract based on profile type.
The questionnaires window allows you to create questionnaires that will be assigned to patients during the injection workflow. To create a questionnaire, choose the desired question to include, choose who to assign the questionnaire to using the auto assign checkboxes, and then click New. Creating questions will be covered on the questions window.
The questions window is where the questions used in patient questionnaires are created. To make a new question, click New Question, write the question in the question field, choose a response type, choose the available answers for single and multiple selection question, then decide of the question will have the lockout function. Lockout questions will require a user with an appropriate privilege level to unlock the questionnaire the question is assigned to before proceeding with an injection workflow.
Treatment Plans:
The treatment plans window allows you to create and view different treatment plans that can be assigned to a prescription. In brief, you can select the number of vials in a treatment plan, the dilutions of those vials, the number of steps per vial, the dose for each step, and the number of days between each step here.
User Management:
The user management window is where you can create and update information about end users in Summit. Here you can set a user’s title, name, display name, email, and user group(s). User groups determine which actions within Summit the user has the ability to access. Resetting a user’s password can be done via the force password reset option.