The Lobby Settings section begins at 1:45

This article will cover information related to patient kiosks and lobby displays. Depending on your physical configuration, you may have a kiosk, lobby display, or both. For the sake of clarity, kiosks refer to terminals where patients can sign in and out and complete questionnaires, and lobby displays refer a display showing patients waiting for injections or waiting be excused.

The settings for both kiosks and lobby displays can be found in the Lobby dropdown in the settings menu. Navigate to Settings > Lobby and either Login Settings for the patient kiosk or Dashboard Settings for the lobby display. We'll cover Login Settings first.

Above is an example of the login setting screen. Here we can set what the patient sees on the kiosk and what they are allowed to do. The Header Text displays any desired text you want on the screen above the sign in and sign out options in the kiosk. Next is a Pin to exit full screen. To prevent patients from accidently navigating away from the kiosk menu, a passcode is required to exit full screen mode and can be set here. The Alert message timeout allows you to set the amount of time a patient is inactive on the kiosk before being signed out.

You can show patient pre-shot questionnaires and require that the questionnaires be completed on the kiosk by selecting the Show questionnaire and Require complete questionnaire options. Selecting the Allow patient sign out option will let the patient remove themselves from the waiting to be excused queue and the Require full wait time option will prevent the patient from doing so before their timer reaches zero. Finally, you can change the background image that appears on the kiosk by clicking the Upload New button beneath Background Image.

Dashboard Settings cover all of the options for configuring either a lobby display or waiting room monitor. The lobby display primarily shows the waiting for injection and waiting to be excused lists so patients can see that they are checked in or when their time is up after receiving an injection. The display can also be used to show static slides with additional information. For example, if you wanted the display to also show clinic hours and health and safety protocols, you can have the display cycle through those as well.

To enable the ability to cycle through images on the lobby display, click the Slideshow enabled button. This will cause the images uploaded below to cycle between the main lobby dashboard display. You can set the duration for each slide, the transition time between slides, and the time before repeating the slides using the Slide duration, Slide fade time, and Slide repeat time boxes respectively. Setting a new background image or adding a slide to the display is as simple as clicking the Upload new button on either the Background image or Slide image boxes. Once all of the images have been uploaded and the times set, click Save changes to apply. Any changes may take a couple minutes before they are reflected on the display.

You are now able to change and update setting for both a patient kiosk and a lobby display! For additional questions, please refer to our other knowledge base articles or contact Xtract support.