This article provides more detailed instruction on the steps to give an injection. For a broader overview of the injection process from start to end, please refer to the Injection Walkthrough article.

Injections take place within a workflow found in a patient's chart. To enter the injection workflow, use the Patient Search bar to find the patient's chart then click User Menu >Workflows >Injection/Asthma Injection or use the corresponding Quick Button.

Some aspects of an injection workflow can be customizable so your workflow might look slightly different, but the overall process should be the same. Workflows being with a patient questionnaire that the provider will review, potentially along with some additional information, before entering the injection screen.

In this example, the injection screen contains both an injection history window and an injection window. If your configuration does not have an injection history window by default, clicking User Menu > Windows > Injection History within the workflow will open it in a separate window. The injection history window shows a history of all injections for the patient. Clicking on a specific injection will bring up additional details for that injection, as well as reaction information and other notes.

The injection window shows all of the prescriptions available that the patient can receive an injection from. Below the selected prescriptions, highlighted in green, is a list of unselected prescriptions for the patient. To add a prescription from the unselected list, simply click on the desired prescription. To remove a prescription, click the red X in the top right corner of the prescription you don't want to inject to remove it from the injection screen.

Below is a larger view of a single prescription in the injection window. In this example, the injection is outlined in red because additional actions are needed before giving the injection, which are also outlined in red. The vial for the injection has not yet been activated which can be done by clicking the Activate Vials button.

Clicking the Activate Vials button will open up a new window containing all the vials for that prescription. In the activate vials window, vials that have not been activated appear on the left side of the window, highlighted in red, and activated vials appear on the right hand side of the window, highlighted in green. Select the dilution(s) you want to activate by checking the box(es) next to the desired dilutions and clicking the button. Once the desired vial(s) are on the active side of the window, click the purple Save button to return to the injection screen.

Now that the vial has been activated, and the dilution confirmed, the vial is no longer outlined in red and can be validated. Verify that all of the information is correct and click the Validate button. 

Clicking the validate button will bring up a final review screen for the injection. Again, the location, dose, and dilution are clearly visible for review. If any changes need to be made, click the Edit button to return to the prior screen. If everything is correct, administer the shot and click the red Inject button. Once all of the injections have been completed, click Next to enter the wrap up screen.

The wrap up screen shows the patient's injection history in graphical form and also plots future injections based on their treatment plan. You can also set a timer until the patient is excused. Clicking the Next button will add the patient to the Waiting to be Excused and end the injection workflow.

This concludes an in depth explanation of the injection screen. For a broader view of the injection process as a whole, please refer to the Injection Walkthrough guide. If you have any additional questions, please contact Xtract support.