There are separate BCA and ENT videos for providers and profiles. Choose the video appropriate to how you practice allergy.

This article will walk you through all aspects of provider and profile management in Summit including: adding and removing providers, creating/deleting/modifying prescribing profiles, and setting and changing default doses for providers. Use the table of contents to quickly navigate to the appropriate section of the article.

Note: In Summit, individual users creating prescriptions exist as unique providers. Prescribing profiles can be used by multiple providers and each provider will most likely have multiple prescribing profiles.


Adding and Removing providers in Summit:

To add or remove a provider from Summit, first navigate to System Management > Providers and Profiles. Depending on your configuration, Providers and Profiles might be separate screens, but the functionality is the same.

To create a new provider, first click the Add button, this will create a new, blank profile. Next fill out all of the information for the new provider, required fields are marked with an *. Once all the information for the provider is filled out, simply hit the green New button to create the provider. To delete a provider, select the provider to remove, make sure you are ABSOLUTELY sure you have the correct provider selected, and click the red Delete button and click confirm on the popup. To modify provider information, simply make any desired changes and click the yellow Update button.

You can now add, delete, and modify providers! Information on how to set default doses for a provider and assign prescribing profiles appears later in the article. Use the table or contents or keep reading to find out how.

Prescribing Profiles in Summit:

Creating a Prescribing Profile:

To create a prescribing profile in Summit, first navigate to System Management > Providers and Profiles. Depending on your configuration, Providers and Profiles might be separate screens, but the functionality is the same.

Creating a prescribing profile begins by clicking the Add button, highlighted in the picture in red. Clicking the add button will cause a popup to appear where you can name the profile and assign vial sizes. 

After you confirm the profile name and vial sizes, you will be returned to the prescribing profiles screen. In the above picture, highlighted in green, the profile has been named Test and the 5ml and 10ml vial boxes have been checked. You can make any adjustments to those choices here as well as assign a profile type and select the number of vials in the profile. Any adjustment to the number of vials will change the information in the blue box to the right.

The far right side of the screen shows the number of vials in the profile, the color associated with that vial, the dilution of the vial, and the expiration for the vial. All of these things can be changed and customized. As seen below, by clicking on a vial, you can set the cap color, dilution, and the expiration for the vial.

Additionally, there are buttons above the vials in the Prescribing Profiles screen that will allow you to set dilutions and expirations for the profile as a whole. In the example above the 10 Fold and All expire in 12 buttons were used to set the profile, but there are also 5 Fold and All expire in 6 buttons as well. Once the dilutions, cap colors, and expirations for the profile have been set, click the Save button and the profile will be ready to assign to providers.

Assigning a Prescribing Profile:

There are two different ways to assign a prescribing profile to a provider, either by subscribing a profile to multiple providers within the profiles screen, or by subscribing multiple profiles to a single provider at a time in the providers screen. Both of these options have the same end result, but are useful in different settings, so instructions for both are shown here.

Assigning Profiles from the Providers Screen:

Note: This method is most useful when creating a new provider as it allows you to subscribe to several profiles quickly.

To assign profiles to a provider from the providers screen, first navigate to System Management > Providers and Profiles. Once there, click on the desired provider and, as seen below, a list of their subscribed profiles and provider preferences will be shown.

Profiles that the provider is currently subscribed to are highlighted in blue and the subscribed column says yes. To subscribe a profile to a provider, click on the desired profile and then click the Subscribe button. To unsubscribe from a profile, click on a profile the provider is currently subscribed to and then click the Unsubscribe button.

On the right side of the screen, the provider preferences for the profile are shown. This will only appear if the provider is subscribed to that profile. From here you can make provider specific changes to the profile that will not effect other providers subscribed to the profile. If any changes are made to the preferences, click the yellow Update button and the changes will be saved.

Assigning Profiles from the Profiles Screen:

Note: This method is most useful when creating a new profile as it allows you to assign a profile to multiple providers at once.

To assign a profile to providers from the profiles screen, first navigate to System Management > Providers and Profiles. Once there, click on the desired profile then click the Manage Subscriptions button and, as seen below, a list of providers and their subscription status will be shown.

From here, you can see which providers are subscribed to a specific profile. To subscribe or unsubscribe a provider to a profile, simply click their name and then click Subscribe or Unsubscribe, depending on the case. 

On the right side of the screen, the provider preferences for the highlighted provider are shown. This will only appear if the provider is subscribed to that profile. From here you can make provider specific changes to the profile that will not effect other providers subscribed to the profile. If any changes are made to the preferences, click the yellow Update button and the changes will be saved.

Assigning Default Doses in Summit:

To set default doses for individual extracts in Summit, first navigate to System Management > Providers and Profiles, click on the desired provider, and then click the Default Doses button.

Here, all of the extracts in your system are listed and you are able to set default dose values for each by profile type. Enter the default values for each extract you want to set for this provider then click the yellow Update button. An extract with a default dose of zero will require you to enter the desired value exact time you prescribe that extract.

You can search for a specific extract in a variety of ways when setting a default dose. Clicking any of the column headers will sort the table alphanumerically by that column, or you can click the Show filters box in order to search for a specific extract. For example, if the columns are sorted alphabetically, you could search for the letter W to find Willow rather than having to scroll to the end of the list.

An additional feature is the ability to set a value for all extracts in a column. This can allow you to set a single value for all of the extracts and then make changes to specific extracts you want at a different default value. This is also useful to reset the default values back to zero if you don't want to have default doses set. To set all extracts to the same default does, enter the value in the box above the desired column then click the Set All button, highlighted in red above.

This concludes provider and profile management in Summit. For additional question, please refer to one of our other support articles or contact Xtract Support via support ticket or telephone.