To add a new extract, navigate to System Management > Extracts. This will open the Extract Window.

Use the filters to search for an extract

Warning: To avoid creating duplicate extracts, be sure to confirm an extract does not already exist before you proceed with creating a new one.

Once you have determined that you need to create a new extract, click the Add button. It will default to creating a new stock extract, but you can choose to create a custom compound (i.e. an in-house mix of extracts) from here as well. For more info, see Custom Compounds.

Fill in the required and any optional information. This information relates to the extract itself.

  • Name - This is what will show in prescriptions, skin tests, or anywhere the extract is shown.
  • Latin name - This is an optional field
  • Units - Choose the appropriate units from the drop down menu (BAU/mL, W/V, etc.)
  • Dilution - Indicate the strength of the extract (ex: 10,000, 1:20, etc.)
  • % Glycerin - This value can be used during the Order Entry / Prescribing process
  • Abbreviation - This value can be used to default vial names (TRS, MOLD, WDS, etc.)
  • Class - Choose the appropriate class from the dropdown menu or create a new class at the bottom of the list, if appropriate.
  • Test Order - This is an optional field, and is used to determine where the extract would appear in relation to others if it is used in a skin test (1, 2, 3, etc.). 
  • ID # - This is an optional value, and will show in a skin test (ex: 1 - Elm, 2 - Ash, etc.)
  • Is diluent? - If the extract is a diluent (HSA, saline, glycerin, etc.), check this box.
  • Negative control? / Positive control? - If the extract will be used as a control in a skin test, check this box (ex: saline is a negative control, histamine is a positive control).

Click Next.

Fill in the required and any optional information. This information relates to the specific bottle of stock that you are entering information from (called a "product").

  • Manufacturer - This is the company that made the extract, for example Edge Pharma.
  • Part Number - This is an optional field and can be used to record the item # / catalogue # / part # if desired.
  • Default New Volume - This will set the default volume when you add inventory against this extract. Note that you can change this value later.
  • % Phenol / % HSA / Specific Gravity - These are optional fields. The values can be seen during prescribing and mixing.
  • For Treatment? - Check this box if you will be using the extract for mixing in patient treatment vials.
  • For Scratch Test? - Check this box if you will be using the extract for skin prick testing.
  • For Intradermal Test? - Check this box if you will be using the extract for intradermal diagnostic testing.

Click Create.

You will now see the newly created extract with a product. 

You can add additional products by clicking the Add button. You can add inventory for use in mixing by clicking Add at the bottom right or via the Inventory Window (see Adding Inventory).