There are separate videos for BCA and ENT inventory. Select the video appropriate to your allergy practice. The inventory section for both videos beings a 3:10
To add inventory to Summit, navigate to System Management > Inventory. This will open the Inventory Window. If you have a Quick Button in your header for the Inventory Window, you can also click that.
In the Inventory Window, you can review your current inventory by scrolling through the table or using the filters to find specific extracts, outdates, and more.
Use the Add button to add inventory against existing extracts, selected from the dropdown menu. If you cannot find the extract, you will first need to create it before adding inventory for it (see Creating an Extract).
Once you have selected the extract to add inventory for, you will see the Add Inventory modal. Fill in the applicable information including Lot Number, Current Volume, Outdate, and Location (i.e. where the bottle will physically reside).
Tip: If you are adding multiple bottles of the same extract from the same lot, you can change the Number of Vials field to perform a bulk entry.
After you have filled in the information for the new bottle(s), you will be given the choice to print a bottle label or simply add without printing.
That's it! You can now use the inventory within Summit.